Targa Miata
February 29, 2008 - Aha!
The relationship between the rally computer and the headlights is now clear. It started when I went looking for an unswitched power supply for the computer. The last thing I wanted was for me to accidentally reset the computer by turning off the ignition, you see, as then I would have to face the wrath of Janel and the potential of a retaliatory "flat left over crest into rock wall" call further along in a stage. I installed a separate switch for the computer instead. Anyhow, right beside the switch was the headlight retractor switch. It has unswitched power. So I tee'd into that.
Well, it turns out that when the headlights are powered up, the electricity to the retractor switch is cut off. Makes sense, you don't want someone dropping the lights when they're supposed to be up. But this nicely cut the power to the Coralba at the same time. I can't see this in the wiring diagram, but a check with the test light confirmed that's what was going on.
I had a handy wire coiled up behind the dash that was labelled "BATT +". See, I'd been thinking ahead. But it didn't work. I pulled out a wiring diagram and it seemed as if it should. But it wasn't used for anything else. So I checked the fusebox. Aha! A blown fuse. Popping in a new one lit up the wire and it was a simple matter of teasing it out of the harness and rerouting it to the back of my computer switch.
This was one of those examples where doing something else paid off. My brain kept flipping through options until the "retractors don't work when the lights are on" solution came to mind.
tags: wiring, computer