June 6, 2011 - Lots of final details in the last day before going to the track. Including some more test driving, and a problem is appearing. The car's running oddly, with a lot of hesitation at times. After some poking around with the wiring, I finally got the OBD-II port to work and discovered that neither of the O2 sensors are providing a real signal. They're flatlined at 0.455v. Turns out, that's the same reading you get if the sensors are disconnected.
Some more poking around at wiring and all the connections appear to be good. Bill and I are doing a bunch of research to see what normal O2 wiring readings should be, we're seeing some things that don't quite make sense. For example, it seems the GM computer feeds around 5v down the "high signal" line and 0.455v less down the "low signal" line. Is that right? I'm still trying to determine yes or no. tags: subframe, V8 conversion |