We've picked up some media attention for both our build and the race. Here's a peek at the coverage for the team so far. Wherever possible, we've included links to the actual articles or footage.
Keith's other projects have been featured a number of times in magazines such as Car and Driver, Road and Track, Land Rover World, Grassroots Motorsports, Classic Motorsports and others. |
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Autoblog, August 10, 2012 Autoblog posted this picture of the Targa Miata along with a number of others, and mentioned the Targa Miata specifically.
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Racing the Rock This full-length film follows the Targa Miata team as they take on the 2011 Targa Newfoundland. Mentioned on Autoblog and Hooniverse. See the preview Get a copy!
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Banzai Magazine, March 2012 This UK-based magazine printed a two-page article on the car and our two Targa adventures. It is not yet available online.
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Grassroots Motorsports, February 2012 The guys at Grassroots published an article about our run at the 2011 Targa. Read the article
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Autoblog, Sept 10, 2011 The Targa Miata was the subject of two of Autoblog's "top 100 photos of the year" for 2011.
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Autoblog, October 24, 2011 Zach Bowman from Autoblog got behind the wheel of the Targa Miata and was quite impressed. Read the article
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Autoblog Autoblog did a series of articles on running the Targa as part of our team. The focus is on Nancy, the supercharged sister car to the Targa Miata. You can read the whole series: Intro Race prep, Part 1 Race prep, Part 2 Race prep, Part 3 Part 1 Part 2 Part 3 Part 4 Part 5 Part 6 Summary - if you're going to read just one, read this one.
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Autoblog, Jalopnik and many others, August 24 2011 The preview video for our race DVD was picked up by Autoblog and Jalopnik and CarBuzz as well as a whole bunch of other sites..
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Grassroots Motorsports, June 2010 Grassroots Motorsports did a 5-page feature on the team and our race, including a few words of wisdom on how to survive your first rally courtesy of Keith and Janel. Read the article
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Forever MX-5 magazine, issue 4 Forever MX-5 is a Miata specialty magazine, as you might expect. We made the cover of the magazine! An 8-page article about our race was inside. Read the article
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Forever MX-5, issue 1 The Targa Miata was chosen as the feature car in their first issue. The issue included a 5-page article on the development of the car and a preview of the race. Read the article
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Grassroots Motorsports magazine Grassroots Motorsports picked the Miata as their favorite car over their 25-year publishing history. And to go with the article, they named 10 milestone Miatas. The Targa Miata was chosen as one of those, along with the first Spec Miata, winners of the 25 Hours of Thunderhill and SCCA National champions. Available as a free digital download
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The 2008 Targa Newfoundland TV show The show was aired in dozens of countries, including multiple showings in both Canada and the US. The Targa Miata got a couple of excellent mentions, very complimentary for both the car and the team. See a clip
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The Grand Junction Daily Sentinel ran a story on the team and our race immediately following our return from Newfoundland Unfortunately, the article is no longer available online.
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Miata of the Month is a hugely popular Miata website, and every month they feature a car. We were the Miata of the Month for September 2008, coinciding with the race. This led to a huge bump in our website traffic and interest in the race itself. We were also chosen as Miata of the Month on the German equivalent site in October 2008, but that feature is no longer available. See the feature |