May 28, 2007 - The worst part of the cleaning - the gunk on the inside of the doors. Miata owners know what I'm talking about here. It turns out that WD-40 does a real number on this stuff, diluting it slightly and defeating its tenacity. This is the result of a bit of WD-40 and rag work. The pressure washer took care of much of the rest, and the pre-paint clean should finish the job.
Those with sharp eyes will note that the doors that were gutted before were black and this one is not. It was pointed out to me that the particular Spec Miata cage we're using does not have a substitute for the factory door bars. Since I'd cut the door bars out of the other, I'd left Eric and myself without much in the way of side impact protection. That's not a smart thing to do, so a new set of doors was substituted and left whole. tags: safety, intercom |