Targa Miata
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July 25, 2008 - Yesterday was a day of preparation.
There's a track day at Pueblo tomorrow, my last "big track" test before the race. Since I've changed the alignment around since the last Pueblo day, I need to do a little more playing around with sway bars and general setup. I might even drop the ride height a bit to see what that does for me. I'd prefer not to make the long trip out there but my local track doesn't help with high-speed corners. I need to know the car's controllable when turning in at 100 mph.
I also spent some time on the trailer. Doesn't everyone take a Sawzall to their new toys? A new roof vent, relocated tiedowns, a box for stuff bolted to the tongue, an anchor for the spare and a chock so I know how far to drive the car into the trailer. You know, the usual. The tow to the track will also be a test of the tow rig for the trip out to Newfoundland.
I also washed the car. After all, it will arrive at the track squeaky clean despite any weather I might meet! This isn't really notable, but it is something that hasn't been done for a while and it gave me a chance to see just how much patina the car has accumulated. Paint chips, small cracks, rubber marks - all the little things that make a car look used.