Targa Miata
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June 8, 2008 - One of the things on my "to do" list after the TSD was to swap out the differential.
This will actually accomplish a number of things. It will let me see if a different differential still has the traction problem on right turns. The previous diff was from a 1999 Miata. The current one is a Type 1 Torsen, which acts a little bit differently and can handle a wider split of available traction.
It will also raise my gearing a bit. Right now, it's a bit on the short side. I had originally figured I'd run the 4.30 because it gave me a 120 mph engine speed of 6120 rpm. 120 mph is the maximum speed allowed in the Targa. But the gearing's just too short, and I'm always looking for another one. So I'm going to try a 4.10. 120 mph speed drops to 5835 rpm and I can reach 42 mph in first if I have to. You can play with Miata gearing on the Flyin' Miata website - the default setting just happens to be my new setup.
I'm also testing out some new polyurethane differential mounts. It will make my shifts a bit more precise. It's not that hard to do a 2-5 shift, and it'll really slow you down. This will help. Besides, it's a new product for Flyin' Miata so I had to give it a shot.
tags: drivetrain