February 6, 2008 - The final step in the header. Provided it doesn't crack or cause problems later, of course! I marked the ideal location for the oxygen sensor when it was installed in the car, and then drilled a hole and welded on this fitting. Goofy thing, it was basically a big nut. Well, welding a flat nut on to a curved pipe means lots of filling in. I did an okay job, but I would have preferred to have one of the better-made units that is machined to insert into the hole. It involves less gaping space.
Oh well, it's on now so I can install the unit. I still have to get my hands on the (final) differential, so the rest of the exhaust can't go together until then. The final spec of the shocks was sorted out today - the front body will be 1" shorter with a different upper mount on the production versions to fit the 1999+ cars better - so I should have those back soon. Just in time for the track testing on March 9th, of course. tags: header |