July 9, 2007 - Success! The Opel Rosso (aka "Flame Red") is the right color. It's a bit orange, just enough to make it really pop both in person and on film. This is what I was looking for. That's the Lamborghini Arancio Diablo on the right and Opel Rosso on the left.
There's a problem, though. I was planning on painting the stripes in a base/clear combination so I wouldn't have steps between the various colors. I'll lay down the dark blue first, then the cyan and red on top of that. The clear will flatten all the steps out. But the Opel paint isn't available in a basecoat formulation, only a single stage. You can't mix chemistries (I'm told) and you can't put clear over a single stage until it's cured for a month.
I could also try to add red to the Lamborghini color, but it'll be difficult to do and also end up with a mix I can duplicate if required.
So what I'll have to do is get another two cans of blue and cyan mixed up in single stage. If I decide they need clear, I can shoot that a month down the road. The good news is that the single stage paint is about 40% cheaper, so it won't be as big an expense as the first purchase. I could return my clear coat materials as well.
And if you look carefully, you'll notice that the cyan and orange look a whole lot like another iconic vintage paint scheme. Hmm, I wonder when that will come in handy? tags: Martini |